Dedicated Server in South Africa

Forget being short of resources and loading speed issues for a particular area of targeting your audience in Africa, be smart, buy a dedicated hosting server live from Johannesburg, South Africa's datacenter. Meet different level of hosting challenges required to win the hearts of your designated society and be a renewed services and products seller in Africa. We derive most powerful devoted structure of hosting from our decades of field expertise which are working through different regions and for 1000 of international clients already. We do not make such mistakes, usually done most of provider, even offer market's best solution to ensure the availability and usage friendly atmosphere. Upgradation of resources is always there under your fingertips with a hallmark of asking unlimited re-installation whether you are using windows or Linux OS. Our technical support team always welcome your standard queries with Intime fixing. Different stipulations in respect of Processors, Cores, Threads, Storage and memory with capability of OS choosing are there to process through.

Dedicated Server South Africa

Plans for Johannesburg Dedicated Hosting

You have decided to be live through heavy loaded resources that is why we are introducing with several server configurations, each have unique features and elements in it as default, instead of processor and number of cores, you can upgrade everything at any time of surfing without doing any data migration.

South Africa Dedicated Server order


  • Purpose Built

    Maximum SLA is being offered with lowest down time to reduce chances of losing your control.

  • Tier III DC

    Our aspects of datacenter facility has a strong impact on end user so feel yourself comfortable.

  • Extra Features

    Insert additioanl IP, backup storage or any value added service as addon to maximize your convenience.

windows OS
cpanel and plesk

Cheap South Africa based Dedicated Server Hosting

Usually it happens that when you search for a specified location based dedicated machines, you found very huge costs and difficulties in normal provisioning. Though Dedicated Hosting in South Africa is a special kind of hosted facilities yet, with us you can enjoy very nominal prices as well ease of technological affairs due to our strength in provisioning such hosting type throughout the worldly datacenters.